About National Pharmaceutical Association

The NISPC credentials in anticoagulation, asthma, diabetes and dyslipidemia are recognized as the national standard for pharmacists seeking certification in specific disease states. This credential documents to employers, peers, and the public that these pharmacists possess state of the art knowledge and skills to provide disease state management services to patients. Some states use the NISPC credential as a basis for compensation for a pharmacist's professional services.

NISPC Board of Directors

Bruce T. Roberts
Executive Vice President
National Community Pharmacists Association
205 Daingerfield Road
Alexandria, VA 22314

John A. Gans
Executive Vice President/CEO
American Pharmaceutical Association
2215 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20037

Kurt A. Proctor
Senior Vice President, Pharmacy Policy and Operations
National Association of Chain Drug Stores
413 N. Lee Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Eleni Z. Anagnostiadis
Executive Director
National Institute for Standards in Pharmacist Credentialing
205 Daingerfield Road
Alexandria, VA 22314

Advisory Committee on Examinations

The Advisory Committee on Examinations provides guidance in maintaining implementation of policies and guidelines related to the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) testing programs.

Carl W. Aaron Louisiana Board of Pharmacy

Susan C. Lutz
Altoona, Iowa

Lawrence H. Mokhiber
New York Board of Pharmacy

Bryan H. Potter
Oklahoma State Board of Pharmacy

Harold B. Sparr
Massachusetts Board of Registration in Pharmacy

Donald H. Williams
Washington State Board of Pharmacy

DSM Examinations Review Committee

The DSM Examinations Review Committee (DSMRC) consists of a panel of experts in the field of pharmacy whose primary responsibilities include reviewing the items that appear on the examinations.

The DSM examinations are sponsored and developed by the:
National Association of Boards of Pharmacy
700 Busse Highway
Park Ridge, Illinois 60068
Carmen A. Catizone, MS, R.Ph.
Executive Director/Secretary

"After the NISPC exam, I also attended the Lifescan PPDC course. These credentials together allowed me to become the pump trainer for Minimed. I am reimbursed by Minimed for training patients and am generally recognized as the local pharmacist diabetes expert. This has aided the overall image of our pharmacy, but has not translated into direct billing for patient care."

Richard Roemer, RPh, CDM Shopko Pharmacy Twin Falls, Idaho

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